Why is my home not selling in a few days? It is priced right, spacious and clean.
The Arizona Real Estate market has changed rather dramatically from the spring and early summer months of 1 year ago. The "investor purchase whirlwind" has for the most part left town. This in turn has increased the inventory of resale homes on the market in the Greater Phoenix area.
Many homebuyers have large amounts of homes at their disposal. They can critique the negatives and move on to the next home without blinking an eye. Plain and simple, the supply of homes currently on the market outweighs the demands. It is important for potential homesellers to understand how to optimize their chances of selling their home in the current market setting in the Phoenix area.
I can optimize your chances, while not compromising your equity. Call or email me today and I will help you understand how it is very, very possible to sell your home in the current market setting.
Best regards,
Casey Ross
Century 21-Centre Point
Cell: 623-326-4132
Email: caseyross @ cox.net